22 febrero 2007

See you later baby

Sin blog durante un tiempo. Viendo que la gente ni se molesta en comentar los discos ni na de ná, paso olimpicamente del blog hasta nueva fecha. Paso de perder el tiempo.

Blog closed during some days. As while as people don't comment records and just download, I won't update the blog for some days. I love music but don't waste my time.

5 comentarios:

tiko dijo...

acabo de encontrarme esta maravilla de blog y debo comentar que es una pena esta decisión. He podido descargar un par de maravillas musicales dedicadas al twist que ni siquiera en la mejor tienda electrónica se pueden adquirir. En fin, espero que tu pesar sea corto. Un fuerte abrazo.

Luis dijo...

Estaba a punto de escribir.. no te vayas tio. En serio, me encantan tu blog y tus gustos: Esquivel, Link Wray, Yma Sumac, etcetc. Quédate hombre.

Always Candy dijo...

Pues hombre,... a veces si no comentan es porque no tienen nada que decir,... no son todo comentarios,.. con que estés satisfecho de lo que haces y de que la gente disfrute de la música que subes es más que suficiente en muchas ocasiones, no crees?

Always Candy

Unknown dijo...

El Crowley, I am a blogger just like you and I can tell you one thing, you should not care about comments.. just do it for your own pleasure or don't do it at all, all I get is angry comments/emails from weirdo's. So you're better off getting nothing at all.. ;)



Unknown dijo...

Hey el C,

I'm with mephisto, if I had as many comments as downloads I'd be doing nothing but reading. I'm more interested in reading comments from the few who actually care enough about the music to share their appreciation in discovering something new. Funny enough, that usually turns out to be other bloggers, who would have thought.

That being said, i for one think your doing a great job with a unique vision, keep it up at whatever pace you're comfortable with. I'll keep returning for the chance of a new discovery.

Cheers, SamIam